Friday, December 25, 2009

Advent - Day 12

Advent - Day 12
"I Wish I Could Give More"

We understand that Christmas is a time of giving. Most of us are beneficiaries of the giving spirit of our friends and family. It's fun to buy and make gifts for others. Commercialism tries to obscure the real meaning of the season; however, it does prompt us to give our loved ones gifts that, in a perfect world, we might give them all year long.

No matter how much money or time we have we often wish we could give more. Financial realities tend to limit our ability to give, although millions of people will charge through the month and pay next year. For them Christmas lasts longer than they would like.

"I wish I could give more" is a phrase never thought of or spoken by God the Father. For when He gave His only son as our Christmas present, it was the best gift ever given. All the money in the world could never afford such a present. He is the Gift that keeps on giving even when we forget Him.

Like any true gift, Jesus was given with no thought of receiving a present in return. All we have to do is to make room for Him in our heart. That's the gift He wants the most.

This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. Jn. 3: 16 (The Message)

the HypeyDad

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Advent - Day 11

[Another Advent from my father]

Advent - Day 11
Sights and Sounds of the Season

All around us are sights and sounds of the season. Beautiful lights adorn trees, buildings and yards. Right now I'm listening to "The Messiah" which reflects various aspects of baby Jesus, the Savior-Shepherd and the kingdom of God. Like most Decembers, we tend to rush to the 25th and often miss all the wonderful blessings of Christmas.

A reminder to all of us is to intentionally slow down. Quality time with family is better than any gift you might give them. Outings to look at the lights can be one of the best things you do all year long. As you walk through the malls and stores, take note of the traditional carols being played and be happy that the gospel message is being heard by so many.

People just like you and me were very busy that first Christmas with travel, taxation deadlines and just trying to survive. Into such a setting God's Christmas Present came for us. Shepherds, wise men and people of every walk of life saw and heard about someone who would change the course of history. Don't miss His birthday this year!

For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. IS.9: 6 NLT

the HypeyDad

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Advent - Day 10

[Written by my dad in 2007]

Advent - Day 10

Doing Our Duty

We heard last week about the tragic shootings at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Jeanne Assam, a volunteer security guard at the church, moved toward the gunman while others ran away. Her heroic effort undoubtedly saved many lives. In one interview she stated that she was scared but God steadied her hands so that she could do her duty. Although we will never know their names, there were nine other people on the security team who also did their job.

It's a wonderful time of the year to read about the shepherds, angels, wise men and, of course, Jesus and his parents, who comprise the main characters of the Christmas story. No doubt we each have a favorite aspect of the drama.

Consider, for a moment, the shepherds who did not get to go into Bethlehem to see baby Jesus. Someone had to stay with the sheep. Not everyone could go running off in the middle of the night and abandon their source of income.

Take a moment and thank God for all the unseen people who enable you to enjoy Christmas with family and friends. People like the gas station convenience store clerk who allows us to buy the gas we need to travel. People, like police, firemen and medical personnel who are ready if we need them. Don't forget our military, who miss their families but serve willingly to protect our way of life.

Keep on doing your duty…God is keeping the records.

ECC.12:13 NLT … Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty.

-The HypeyDad