They draw attention to your eyes, and remove the chance that people may confuse you with a Neanderthal. And Men, as you grow older, the eyebrow thing has a tendency to go wrong for you.
Very, very wrong for you.

So, today , take a look at your eyebrows, and give them the attention they deserve.
And as to since when am I the Eyebrow Police? Patrolling eyebrows worldwide since 1986, Thank You Very Much.
This is so cool! I know a few people who should groom their eyebrows so I'll be sure to take my tweezers along.
I just came back from having my brows waxed.
I LOVE having my eyebrows done. It makes me feel all girly. I want to try that eyebrow threading thing that the Indian girls do, their eyebrows always look so good.
MEN - pay attention - this one is for you! Women know think 'but my unibrow is manly'. Sorry boys, it's not manly, it's scary.
I wax my nose hairs.
Egan - I'd like to see that.
I know a girl who does that, Egan, and she looks great.
There are no excuses for long nose hairs!
No excuses for long hairs! there was this policeman sitting in front of me in the bus last week, I had to trouble making my eyes busy somewhere else, they kept coming back to his ears; the hairs coming out! yikes!!!
I started doing my eyebrows in order to thicken them. now they're great, i just take off the surplus from time to time.
I tried to kiss Tracy on Kiss A Redhead day, but she snubbed me because of my unibrow.
If only I'd known.
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