It has to be said: Everyone loves pirates.
Swashbuckling, singing, pillaging, booty; the pirate life is full of action, adventure, vainglory and scurvy.
It was the first time in history you got to go to interesting places, meet interesting people, most of whom you subsequently killed, on account of the pillaging, but still.
Foreign places! Foreign people! Fresh Air!
So let's hoist one high for the life of a pirate! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!
*Eyepatches and peglegs, optional.
I wore an eyepatch as a child, so I think that makes me 'born a pirate'...
Rrraaa!...dyslexic pirate.
Ahoy me mateys!!! Fresh air, booty, pillaging! Arrrrghh!
Every day is Internation Pirate Day, for me
Why are pirates all of the sudden so popular again? It's like monkeys on tv. Every commercial break it seems like there's at least one company using primates to sell stuff.
Hmmm, now I feel like playing Pirate and the Naughty Wench. Arrrrghh!
Egan - stop with the monkeys. We all know you're obsessed.
I'd say it's all from Johnny Depp, but who knows?
I blame it on a Goonies and Cap'n Crunch resurgence.
How about a Girl Buccaneer? I'm in the mood for some swashbuckling!
Did someone say "Goonies"?? Ever the dedicated Goonie (and pirate!) I made a pilgrimage to Astoria, OR surviving on nothing but Baby Ruth bars.
See, everybody? Pirates are fun! And monkeys only got to Europe because of the pirates, Egan. Plus, buccaneers are just well born pirates, Chicky, so ahoy!
Goonies! There are Goonies reunions yearly and I know this because I have friends that have attended. I don't live too far away from Astoria, Oregon.
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