Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 28 - International Be Yourself Day

Flowers are red, yellow, purple, white. The Sky is blue. You're white? Yellow? Pink? or black? Maybe you're thin. Am plum. So what? You're yourself and that's why you're loved and aught to be loved and appreciated for. Relationships - friendship or love, whatever - where you go pretending you're someone else are not worth the energy you're wasting on them. Today, love yourself let down the mask and dare to be yourself. Anyone not happy, not your problem; qu'ils aillent se faire voir.


Schrodinger's Kitten said...

I am proud to be white! Wait..that doesn't sound very good...

lost goddess said...

I just wanna be me! Oh, wait I am Go me!

Tracy Lynn said...

Dude, are you really sure you want me to be me? Cuz that's an awful lot of Me to unleash on an unsuspecting public.

Fatma said...

And pray tell me why not Shro huh? :-)

Good Girl LG, Good Girl!

It matters not Tracy, just go ahead and let you be Me.. huh... You be You?
